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Mediation - the solution?

Mediation can be a solution for your problems that does not break the bank!


Building a Bridge

There are always, at least, two sides to an argument, maybe more. Everyone is a champion of their own point of view.

Mediation is the bridge you build using the mediator who, without taking sides, helps you meet on the bridge.

The bridge you build with the Mediator’s help is your confidential construction and is often cheaper than many other ways .


Devil in the Detail

Mediation is a form of dispute resolution which involves a mediator sitting with those involved in a dispute and working with them in helping to reach an agreed resolution.

One of the key features of the process is that it allows the parties themselves to decide the outcome of the dispute rather than it being made for them.

The mediator acts as an independent/neutral third party and their role is to guide and manage the discussions between the parties in helping them reach a joint decision.



Cost – mediation is significantly cheaper than going to court and often saves you significant amounts of money.

Speed – mediation appointments can be arranged within days and the vast majority settle within a day.

Flexibility – because people are free to make their own decisions, this allows you to create your own agreement which could not be granted by the court.

Enforcement – statistics show that people are far more likely to stick to agreements which they have reached themselves, compared to those decisions that have been imposed upon them.

Confidentiality – unlike going to court, mediation sessions are conducted in private and are completely confidential.


Dispute Examples

Contractual Disputes

Boundary Disputes

Landlord and Tenant Disputes

Employments Disputes

In all these situations , whether perceived or real, expectations are often different to what you wanted and what you got.

Want to know how we knock the socks off your  challenges?

Fill in the Contact Form on our contact page or  email   or text or call/WhatsApp 07999418925/ 07709185895

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