Call:  07999418925

Personal, Leadership and

Organisational Development

With over 1000 hours of documented coaching experience and with accredited ICF standards ,  we provide a wide range of coaching services to meet your business and personal development needs.

Our service with a smile guarantees you the promise of the highest level of satisfaction.

Coaching Sessions

We offer face-to-face individual coaching meetings, on-line or in person.

During our first meeting which is free online, we always define together the goal which must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and within a given Timeframe).

Usually we offer a package of 5 to 10 sessions in agreement with you to achieve the specified targets.


  • Trust is established through use of plain language, face to face discussion generating empathy and transparency between us.
  • Once this is established, we use our expertise to make the complicated, simple.
  • This results in a light bulb moment for all, changing perceptions and behaviours hitting the required goal.

Want to know how we knock the socks off your challenges?

Fill in the Contact Form on our contact page or  email

or text or call/WhatsApp 07999418925/07709185895

What are your recent organisational challenges?

  • What are you deeply passionate about and what are your unique strengths? 
  • What are your unique selling points?
  • How do your company grow great out of your startup business, without turning into a bureaucratic organisation?
  • How can your family-business make the leap while others don’t?
  • How leadership in management will define your team’s performance?
  • ·How to cope with your time management challenges?
  • Are you ready to work out the answers?

Contact us for a coaching package and find the answers.

Want to know how we knock the socks off your challenges?

Fill in the Contact Form on our contact page or  email

or text or call/WhatsApp 07999418925/07709185895

"Good is the enemy of great"

 Good to Great - Jim Collins (2001)

"The vast majority of companies never become great precisely because the vast majority become quite good and that is their main problem"  Good to Great - Jim Collins (2001)


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